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Impactful Art for #IcelandWithoutWhaling

Drani's FIn Whale.jpeg
Terrance Fin Whale.jpeg

NEWS:  On September 14, 2023 - "The Pirate Party tabled a bill in Alþingi, Iceland’s parliament, that would legislate the end to commercial whaling in the country. The proposed bill has the backing of the Pirate Party, the People’s Party, the Social Democrats and the Liberal Reform Party. Pirate Party MP Andres Ingi Jónsson said the bill would bring whales under the protection of Iceland’s wildlife laws. The bill proposes making whaling illegal by repealing the Act on whaling, no. 26/1949, and bringing whales under the law on the protection, preservation and hunting of wild birds and wild mammals, no. 64/1994."  [Source]


SHARE: Please help spread the word about our campaign #IcelandWithoutWhaling across social media and use your voice to support a permanent whaling ban in Iceland.  Please refer to our 'Stop Whaling Iceland' page for social media downloads, additional information about whaling, etc.

IMPORTANT: Please address your origami Fin whale or Art Letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs - Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörd Gylfadóttir - and request support for the Pirate Party's bill to ban whaling. Scroll down for instructions and a sample letter.

Send mail to:

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörd Gylfadóttir

Rauðararstigur 25
105 Reykjavik

Instructions for creating an origami Fin whale:

Please refer to the video and photos if you would like to fold your own origami Fin whale! Spread the love and awareness further -  invite your friends and family to fold with you!

Special thanks to M.G.Crofts Photography for filming the origami Fin whale instructional video plus the instructional photos (above).  @montecrofts


Save trees while you save whales! Please re-use paper when creating your origami Fin whales! You can use fliers/pamphlets, mail advertisements, music sheets, maps, scrap paper, etc.


Note: Please make sure to include your name and location on your origami Fin whale!

Drani's FIn Whale.jpeg

Art speaks! Please feel free to create an impactful illustration or painting on behalf of the Fin whales. Use whatever art materials you have on-hand. You can write your letter on the backside of the art, or include it on a separate sheet of paper.


For Teachers/Instructors! Please download this PDF packet (click the icon below) and encourage your students to get creative with their art as they participate in this impactful campaign!

Sample letter for reference:


Dear Minister Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörd Gylfadóttir,


I am writing to express my deep dismay and disappointment with Iceland’s ongoing whaling. I fully support a permanent ban on whaling in Iceland.


The disturbing findings in the 2022 MAST report revealed that 41 percent of the whales killed by Hvalur hf, Iceland's last whaling company, suffered immensely before dying. Despite the implementation of stricter regulations, the first whaling tour of the 2023 season saw two out of three fin whales hunted in clear violation of both Article 5 of the regulations and Iceland's Animal Welfare Act. 


Whaling does not support Iceland's economy, with 90 percent of whale products exported to Japan. Furthermore, influential figures in the multi-billion-dollar film industry, including Hollywood Directors, Producers, and Actors, have pledged to avoid filming in Iceland until whaling is banned. This looming economic loss threatens to strike a severe blow to Iceland's economy, a consequence that cannot be overlooked.


Living whales also provide significant, ongoing revenue to Iceland's whale watching companies, and associated industries (tour companies, hotels, souvenirs, etc.). Ecotourism (whale watching) has proven to be far more profitable as an ongoing and sustainable resource supporting Iceland's economy. Beyond the economic aspect, whales play a vital role in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems.


I urge you to support a future for Iceland without whaling. 



Please enjoy this video featuring some of the impactful art letters that have already been sent to Iceland!

Special thanks to M.G.Crofts Photography for filming these impactful "art letters" and taking additional photos (above).  @montecrofts

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Visit Peggy Oki’s impactful art installations page to view additional exhibits she has created on behalf of cetaceans around the world and the threat of bycatch and entanglement.

Visit Peggy Oki’s public speaking page to view her third 'World Oceans Day' keynote speaking presentation.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead

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This website is a non-profit endeavor and collaborative volunteer effort.

Designed & managed by: Peggy Oki [Founder of Origami Whales Project] and Madison O'Connell [Media by Mads].

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